SpEd Procedural Safeguards for Utah
*Find the full document at
Procedural Safeguard Checklist- a summary of the Procedural Safeguard Notice Booklet*
This is a brief summary of some of the rights of students with disabilities and their parents. Please refer to the Procedural Safeguards for Children with Disabilities and their Parents booklet for an in-depth explanation.
As a parent you have the right to participate in meetings held with respect to the identification, evaluation, and educational placement of your child in special education and the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) (services) as outlined on an Individual Education Plan (IEP). School personnel may have informal meetings without the parents.
Parents have the right to consent or refuse consent for any proposed actions regarding identification, evaluation, educational placement and the provision of the FAPE (services) as outlined on an IEP.
Parents have the right to receive regular reports on their child’s progress toward IEP goals as often as the school notifies the parents of students without disabilities.
You may look at your child's records. A Special Education student’s education records are kept confidential in a locked file apart from his/her regular school records. The student’s educational records are not disclosed without parental consent to anyone other than staff of the LEA involved with your student’s education and to staff of another school or school district in which your student is seeking to enroll. If you need copies, those can be made available to you in a reasonable amount of time.
An annual review of special education services is conducted through the IEP process. You are an active part of that process for your child. You may request that the IEP team meet to review and revise, if necessary, your child’s IEP at any time during the process.
You may make a request for an independent educational evaluation of your child if you are in disagreement with all or some portion of the assessment completed by the school team. The special education teacher can refer you to the district consultant over that
program to discuss procedures for an independent education evaluation.
Discipline procedures for a student in Special Education are very precise and must follow certain guidelines with regard to FAPE. The school must comply with these guidelines. If you have a concern about the discipline of your child and the specific guidelines, please contact your Special Education Director to ensure the requirements are being met.
We want to make sure your concerns are addressed regarding the special education program for your child. If you have concerns, we recommend the following progression:
o School team/School Director
o School Special Education Director
o District Special Education Director
o APA Curriculum Director
o USBE –Students at Risk Services/ Special Education Department
You may request a due process hearing. This request needs to be in writing to the District
Special Education Director.
You have the responsibility to inform the District Special Education Director in writing within 10 business days if you intend to remove your student from public school and place him/her in private school.